The folder structure for WibbleQuest is pretty simple for someone making a game. The downloaded application has a .xcodeproj that you open and inside that there are 2 folders, WibbleQuest and Game. Inside Game are two example games, Kierononon and Megatron. Inside those folders are the game files.
Each game folder has subfolders for Items, Creatures, People and Rooms. Ideally you should use these for putting your custom objects, but you don’t have to. It’s normal to put your Game subclass inside the Game folder for easy access.
So to start, right click on the Game Folder, and create a new Folder (XCode calls them groups) for your game, our one will be called Brazil. Inside the new folder make folders for Rooms, Items Creatures and Items like the other game folder have.
To create your own custom Game, you need to create a Game subclass , and make it respond to 3 methods:
#import "Brazil.h"
@implementation Brazil
@synthesize wq;
-(NSString *) gameName {
return @"The Train to Brazil";
-(NSString *) gameDescription {
return @"You're stuck on a long train down to Brazil, and you need to find a feather boa.";
-(void)ready {
// This is where your game code will go
So now we have our own Game subclass called Brazil, we need to edit the GameSelector object to make it load our game instead of one of the others. You can do this by editing GameSelector.m to import your brazil game ( #import “Brazil.h” ) at the top of the file with the others, and then changing the Class that game is created from
( it’s the bit before the alloc )
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "GameSelector.h"
#import "Brazil.h"
@implementation GameSelector
@synthesize wq;
- (void)awakeFromNib {
Game<WibbleQuestGameDelegate> * game = [[Brazil alloc] init];
game.wq = wq; = game;
Lets create the room that you wake up in, we don’t want any funky room subclass for now so as we’re working now on the game itself we want to set the game up inside the ready method from our Game subclass called Brazil.
-(void)ready {
// This is where your game code will go
Room * beginning = [[Room alloc] init]; = @"Your carriage";
beginning.description = @"Your room has your all you bags, and basically contains your life right now."; = @"myroom";
wq.currentRoom = beginning;
[wq start];
So there’s two chunks of code here. Let’s look at them individually.
Room * beginning = [[Room alloc] init]; = @"Your carriage";
beginning.description = @"Your room has your all you bags, and basically contains your life right now."; = @"myroom";
We are creating an instance of the Room class, and are giving it a name, a description and an id. id’s ideally should always be lowercase and without spaces.
When you enter a room, it will put the title of the room, and then it will write the description and print out any items that are inside the room.
wq.currentRoom = beginning;
[wq start];
The first line here will set the initial room to be the beginning room we just created. Then we start up the game from the user’s perspective.
You can now run the game and see your initial room, if you type help you can get a list of all the commands supported in the game ( you can override the help command if you want to)
You’re probably gonna want to connect rooms so that you can have more then one room in your game. To do that we’re about to make another instance of the room class and then connect the two. Here’s a warning, you’ll need to update the description of the room, because connecting the rooms will not add anything to the screen, it’s your responsibility to say there is an exit to the east for example.
Room * hallwayCenter = [[Room alloc] init]; = @"hallway"; = @"Hallway";
hallwayCenter.description = @"The Hallway is long and stuff";
[hallwayCenter connectSouth:beginning];
So now is a good time to explain how to find answers yourself, in simple, there is an overview of all the important classes that you’ll use and a lot of quick answers at the bottom of this page, when you want to know a lot about any class you can go to the API page for it, for example this link to WibbleObject is a link to the API page. Any references to classes will be clickable.
So, go through the quickies now and see what they are, it might answer your questions before you knew. And now we go back to the code
So, let’s make an item, we can’t really just use the Item class because we want to override the methods for onUse, onPickup and onDrop. So create a “subclass of”#subclass Item called Book. We don’t need to make any changes beyond changing the super class from NSObject to Item in the .h . In the .m file we want to start adding some code for the additional functionality, for now we’ll just use the printing functions to describe the object.
Book.h Interface File
@interface Book : Item
Book.m Implementation File
#import "Book.h"
@implementation Book
-(NSString*) description {
return @"The book barely fits in your pocket.";
-(NSString *)descriptionInRoom {
return @"There is a book on the floor.";
-(NSString*)id {
return @"book";
-(void)onPickup {
[WQ print:@"You grab the book and stash it in your pocket"];
-(void)onDrop {
[WQ print:@"You drop the book to the floor with a thud."];
-(void)onUse {
[WQ print:@"You look at the book."];
[WQ wait:3];
[WQ print:@"Pretty book-like."];
I feel that this isn’t enough for me though, I’d like to add another command to the book, such as ‘read book’ to the new subclass. To do those we want to override a method called didRespondToCommand and make it respond. By default it returns no, and we want to look for the word read, and then act on it. Then finally we want to return yes, thereby saying the book has responded to the command.
-(BOOL)didRespondToCommand:(NSArray*)commandArray {
NSString * command = [commandArray first];
if ([@"read" isEqualToString:command]) {
[WQ print:@"You sit down for a while and read some code "];
return YES;
return NO;
Alright, so let’s now look at making it possible to examine our bags, and the rest of the room, in order to do this we need to make a room subclass. We should also make it so that you cannot exit the room without the book in hand, wouldn’t want to get bored elsewhere.
First, lets make our subclass called PlayerCarriage. Again, the only change we need to doc to the .h file is to change the NSObject to a Room. In the .m file However we will add support for examine. Examine works by overriding a method and then returning an NSDictionary, you don’t have to worry too much about what they do in particular, but they’re objective-c’s hash tables. How it works is that you give a description, and then a single word that the description applies to. You can do this for as many pairs as you would like, and in the end you have to include the word nil.
-(NSDictionary*)dictionaryForExamine {
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"Your clothes are on the floor", @"clothes",
Next we’ll make it so that you annoy exit the room without having picked up your book, to do this we override the function playerShouldLeave and find out if the Player has the item If so we let them leave, otherwise we tell them that they can’t leave yet. Returning nil will not say anything to the user. So that’s your responsibility..
-(BOOL)playerShouldLeaveRoom {
if ([Player has:@"book"]) {
return YES;
[WQ print:@"You wouldn't want to leave without your book."];
return NO;
Finally we’ll add some additional commands to the room, this works exactly like how we add commands to the Book subclasses earlier by overriding didRespondToCommand and adding support for sleep and unpack
-(BOOL)didRespondToCommand:(NSArray*)commandArray {
NSString * command = [commandArray first];
if ([@"sleep" isEqualToString:command]) {
[WQ print:@"You snooze "];
return YES;
if ([@"unpack" isEqualToString:command]) {
[WQ print:@"You unpack your stuff. nothing too important there."];
return YES;
return NO;
With our room subclass done, we’ve got to go back to the Game subclass and swap the original definition out with the new one. So find the line that says, and replace it with.
Room * beginning = [[Room alloc] init];
PlayerCarriage * beginning = [[PlayerCarriage alloc] init];
Make sure you’ve got a #import at the top for the Room subclass and you’re done.
- to come, add support for adding people to your game, and add support for creatures to fight!
In XCode 3: Right click on the Folder that you want to add the subclass to, goto Add → New File. In the New File window you want to be sure Cocoa Touch Class is selected on the leftist,, and then that Objective-C class is selected in the main section. When you hit next you’ll be asked what the File name should be, this is your class name. ( Remember; classes alway start with a capital. )
Once you’ve put the class name in and pressed Finish you need to change the subclass from NSObject to whatever you want, it’s the bit after the colon in the .h file.
In XCode 4: Right click on the Folder that you want to add the subclass to, click New File. In the New File dropdown you want to be sure Cocoa Touch is selected on the left,, and then that Objective-C class is selected in the main section. Hitting Next will ask you what you want to subclass, this may be Item, Room, Person, Game, Creature, whatever. And then the next dropdown will ask you what you want to have your class called.
Then you’re done. Wherever you want to use that class now you just have to #import it on the top of the file you’re looking for.